For subies and other babygirls
By Melissadelice in Home on 11 April 2013 à 09:00I have received some pics from Paulo that he likes me to publish on this blog about D/S, BDSM and Daddy Dom / babygirls' thematic.
You are right my love, I know you are a Master, a dominant, a Daddy Dom, not only a sex lover, so I have to give a large place here for your biggest fantasies and hmmm I like so much when you teach me about your experiences in this domain...please, again!
so let's start with some D/S and BDSM texts (and art pics). That is very esthetic and even very romantic, most of them are written by submissive girls. Nice points of view anyway...
Tags: D/S, BDSM, Dominant, Submissive, Submission, Daddy, Babygirl
1Paulojack PhillyThursday 11st April 2013 at 14:59A D/S relationship is not only based on trust but on feelings too so yes it is a kind of romantic and absolute love you seen well my sweetheartFollow this article's comments RSS feed
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